Chinese Medicine for Modern Women

Video Trainings

Multiple video training on Taoism and Women’s Health

These videos offer a deep introduction of Taoism, and how it relates to our wellbeing, our cycles and phases as a woman, and how to integrate the teachings into modern day living for a more balanced way of life and improved wellbeing.

You will learn about the fascinating science and art of Chinese Medicine – and practical ways to incorporate this wisdom into your daily life. 

You will deepen your understanding of the energetic body and how it affects us physically – understanding the interconnection of mind, body and spirit. 
Each video of the elements is complemented with a yin yoga practice to support the teaching with an embodied experience. 

This is a self-video series you can do in your own time. 

This course is specifically designed for women with an interest in holistic wellbeing, that are seeking an embodied, whole understanding of health and balance, and also holistic healthcare practitioners, yoga teachers, energy workers, movement artists that wish to learn more about Chinese Medicine. 
I hope you enjoy diving into this fascinating simple, yet complex wisdom, that when applied can truly support and transform your life. 


“Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Video Contents


Introduction to Chinese Medicine Theory, Including yinyang, Three Treasures and an Introduction to Taoism.

The Fire Element – How it manifests in nature, and with us, associated organs, emotions, signs it is out of balance, and ways to harmonise.
75 mins Yin Yoga Practice for the Spirit of Fire, The Shen

The Earth Element – How it manifests in nature, and with us, associated organs, emotions, signs it is out of balance, and ways to harmonise.
75 mins Yin Yoga for the Spirit of the Earth, The Yi

The Metal Element – How it manifests in nature, and with us, associated organs, emotions, signs it is out of balance, and ways to harmonise.
75 mins Yin Yoga for the Spirit of the Metal – The Po

The Water Element – How it manifests in nature, and with us, associated organs, emotions, signs it is out of balance, and ways to harmonise.
75 mins Yin Yoga for the Spirit of the Water – The Zhi

The Wood Element – How it manifests in nature, and with us, associated organs, emotions, signs it is out of balance, and ways to harmonise.
75 mins Yin Yoga for the Spirit of the Liver – The Hun

Menstruation and Moon Cycles

Nourishing Life – Yang Sheng Teachings

I’ve just finished the Chinese Medicine 10 week Course with Zoe. I’m a much happier, brighter, more certain person than I was 10 weeks ago.

I’ve always wanted to educate myself more on Chinese Medicine, as I’ve never connected with modern medicine, and never felt it solved the problem.

The knowledge Zoe provides through the weeks really connected with me on so many levels. Whether she was talking through the symptoms of skin conditions and how that’s linked to the liver… Being someone who’s suffered with eczema throughout life, I was slowly healing myself as she was teaching. I’ve made so many notes, drawings of congee and broth recipes, of our organ clock and how the liver is doing its job when you sleep. So this now encourages me even more so, to get to sleep early, with the sunset, so my liver can do the job at the right time. And throughout the course I’ve been sleeping better, also, my pantry is now stocked with Burdock root and Hibiscus tea. So much love and knowledge is shared throughout the course.

We’ve only scraped the surface with Chinese Medicine over the 10 weeks, but still covering The Meridians, The Five Elements, The Menstrual Cycle, and the Kidneys too. All powerful topics that have their own sub-categories too.

Zoe thank you. I’m so grateful to have learnt this from you and to be on this journey. I hope many others decide to do this course and progress on the road to enlightenment.

Belle Sullivan


What’s included:

  • 75 Mins intro video to TCM
  • Over 5 Hours of videos for the Five Elements
  • 75 mins of video of Menstrual Health and Moon Cycles
  • 60 mins video about Yangsheng 
  • 5x 75 mins of Yin Yoga Practices

    16 hours of content 

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